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Pricing for artists and their patrons

Our pricing is based on whether you’re an artist or art professional. Choose the appropriate role and start managing your art better.


You make art


You are a collector, gallerist, art professional or art institution


You make art


You are a collector, gallerist, art professional or art institution




  • Build and manage your database of artworks (under a single artist)

    Build and manage your database of artworks (by multiple artists)

  • Share artworks with contacts

  • Save and manage shared artworks

  • Use the app on your phone or tablet or desktop

  • Publish your art to Discovery (9% processing fee on any sales)

  • Sell your art via Payment Invites (9% processing fee)

  • Generate documents such as portfolios, transport & insurance lists, loan agreements and more

  • Create Viewing Rooms

  • Add images from Dropbox

  • Edit multiple artworks at once

  • Add multiple images to each artwork

  • Build and manage your contacts database

Choose Free
Save 15%




per month



  • Build and manage your database of artworks (by multiple artists)

  • Share artworks with contacts

  • Save and manage shared artworks

  • Use the app on your phone or tablet or desktop

  • Publish your art to Discovery (7% processing fee on any sales)

  • Sell your art via Payment Invites (7% processing fee)

  • Generate documents such as portfolios, transport & insurance lists, loan agreements and more

  • Create Viewing Rooms

  • Add images from Dropbox

  • Edit multiple artworks at once

  • Add multiple images to each artwork

  • Build and manage your contacts database

Choose All-Access
Save 20%




per month



  • Build and manage your database of artworks (under a single artist)

  • Share artworks with contacts

  • Save and manage shared artworks

  • Use the app on your phone or tablet or desktop

  • Publish your art to Discovery (7% processing fee on any sales)

  • Sell your art via Payment Invites (7% processing fee)

  • Generate documents such as portfolios, transport & insurance lists, loan agreements and more

  • Create Viewing Rooms

  • Add images from Dropbox

  • Edit multiple artworks at once

  • Add multiple images to each artwork

  • Build and manage your contacts database

Choose All-Access

Not sure which plan to choose?

Check out our FAQs to see if your question has been asked. Or send us an email and we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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